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[News] Battle erupts over internet network that serves tens of thousands of Utahns

Photo of a reel of conduit ready for installation.
West Valley City is part of the UTOPIA broadband network, which is now under attack

The following article was published by The Salt Lake Tribune:

A national trade organization for municipal networks, the American Association of Public Broadband, suggested when Bountiful signed on, that large “incumbent” cable and internet providers such as Comcast and CenturyLink were targeting the city as part of a deceptive push, against what she called “community broadband freedom of choice.”

“Incumbents are running these campaigns,” group’s executive director, Gig Sohn, said, “even as they refuse to provide universal connectivity to those communities.”

With billions of dollars for broadband now being made available to states under the recent federal infrastructure spending, Sohn said, “there is a huge opportunity for cities and towns to decide for themselves what kind of broadband networks would best meet the needs of everyone in their communities, not just a wealthy few.”

The full article is available here.

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